6 Ways to Love Your Body
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This is my note to all women out there – you are beautiful, you are special!

We women are amazing beings with incredible capacities to nurture, facilitate and guide life. Women have an important and critical role in the history of the world. We are cornerstones in our families, a nurturing force in our communities, and tenders of nature. But we will never reach our full potential if we continue to submit to the negative thoughts that prey upon us telling us we are ugly, unworthy, and unwanted.
Self-consciousness, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders are modern issues that affect so many women and young girls. These issues rob us of life and lead to life-long battles with food, our reflection, and internal dialogue. Life is hard enough with all the distractions of modern living pulling at us, we don’t need to be divided against ourselves!
The human body is a marvelous vehicle for life. It is a tool, a facilitator and an interface to physical reality. Our bodies are designed to allow us to thrive to our full potential, but we must work together with the processed that form them in order to tap that potential. Our bodies are tools to be respected, nurtured, and listened to.
Healthy lifestyle changes helped me to learn to love my body
It took me some time to fully face my insecurities and personal body dysmorphia confusion. I had many misconceptions about what a healthy body actually looks like, partly due to media influences like celebrity diets. My understanding of individualized nutrition and unrealistic expectations of how my body should be continued for years due to misinformed and uneducated decision making.
Loosing extra weight, getting in touch with disconnected muscles, and connecting with the environment around me makes me feel healthier, invigorated and provides a better quality life. A keto diet lose unwanted weight, reduce inflammation, and foster a healthy relationship with food. Among other benefits, a hight-fat diet improves metabolism and balances blood sugar which helps me feel much more balanced and mentally stable.
In addition to finding a healthy balance of exercise and eating, I now know how much food my body needs and what ratios of macronutrients work best for me. I no longer over eat. The binge-then-feel-guilty cycle never happens. I do not feel random cravings or try to fill the empty pit of something that seems like hunger but is never satisfied.
Loving, appreciating, and respecting my body puts me back in the game of life, rather than disconnecting, trying to hide and otherwise feeling divided within myself – I am are invigorated, in love and ALIVE.
6 Ways to Learn to Love Your Body
Often our lack of self-acceptance is the reason hiding behind weight struggles and body image issues. Rather than point to a broken childhood, societal pressures, or the influence from popular media let’s put all these exterior influences aside and focus on what is going on in the present with you right now.
Take the first step: acceptance.
Each one of us exists in the human state – we are imperfect creations. This is a fundamental concept we must accept and integrate into our lives. In a world of airbrushed advertisements, social media snapshots, and distorted cultural pressure to be a super mom (or dad) we need to be reminded of our limitations. We need to be humbled to the reality of life.
We need to be real with ourselves.
The first step in learning to love your body is to accept it. Accept whatever flaws you may have and accept that you have to power to change them.
Change will be different for different people. It may happen through physical exercise or mental awareness to change the negative thoughts that have hounded you about your shape.
Accept your life, your health and the responsibility you have over it.
Turning the blind eye to your struggle never helps. You must face your reality, accept it and change it.
You might not have an hourglass figure, may be a little stretched out, or carry an extra 40 pounds but your body is real and it is yours. You only have one. This is the time to learn to love it.
Commit to the decision to change your ways.
The body is a reflection of daily activities, thoughts, and environmental circumstances. The physical body reflects the mental and spiritual bodies. Take charge and control over the things you can influence.
Learn, grow and overcome.
Make your goal long-term, sustainable positive change.
There is no perfect person alive today. You are not now nor ever will be perfect. You can throw out whatever false expectation or seemingly unachievable self-image you have of yourself and MOVE FORWARD.
It is not enough to hear the thoughts and see the patterns of unhealthy behavior, we must reject them completely. In their wake, the void must be filled with positive words of our beauty and encouraging motivation to continue to change.
Learn to love your body and stop picking yourself apart.
Be grateful for all the things your body does for you every single day!
Stop looking at every picture, video, or reflection and listening to the thought that cuts you down saying how ugly, fat, or bloated you are. Focus on what you want to bring out within your self, focus on your strengths.
Break the chain that holds you down.
I have learned that I can’t be afraid of what I see. Fear brings out the worst in us. It confirms and validates itself in a detrimental, self-sabotaging cycle. Be at peace with what you see, accept it, stop hiding from false judgments and take responsibility.
Without constant back chatter of negative voices like doubt and shame critiquing your every move, you can live freely and celebrate the body that you have. Become aware of the thought patterns that pull you down and tell them “NO, not here in this body!“
Tomorrow can be different.
Moving on is the only thing left to do. Now you can love and embrace your imperfections while looking to solve and improve them when and where you can! Have faith, hope and joy as you look forward.
More to Help You Learn to Love Your Body:
- 10 Things to Stop Doing If You Want to Love Your Body– Mind Body Green
- 6 Daily Practices for Learning to Love Your Body and Your-Self– Breaking Muscle
- Quotes Celebrating Womens Bodies– Pop Sugar
Loving your body means loving yourself and your family. If you love your body, you will take care of it for your own sake and your family can enjoy you and your company for a long time. Remove all negative energies and be happy with your life.
Jessica~~ What a beautiful spirit you have. How often we forget what amazing creatures we women are. Thank you for this article! Love the little glimpses we get of you with your cherub babies!
Been absolutely enjoying your recipes and the training manual. I have loved every recipe I’ve tried and am glad I didn’t follow my urge to leave out any item I THOUGHT I didn’t care for. You are a culinary whiz… and I encourage everyone to take the leap and order the ebook! You won’t be disappointed! Phoned my sister the other day and told her I was finishing up lactofermation jars of vegetables then on to butchering a beef heart to grind with chuck roast for meatballs (oh YEAH… Momma’s Best Meatballs!) and she asked, “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SISTER?!?!?!?” Needless to say, she has given up low cal and switched to keto.
Adore Tristan and have learned so very much, always anxious to see something new from him– and when there’s a slow period, I go back and review the older videos. Would love for YOU to consider hosting a live event periodically — something for the Primal Edge Health Sisterhood! perhaps? I think would be well received and attended and all would leave with a little energy fueled by the synergistic of sharing.
It is exciting to hear you are being so adventurous and expanding your experience!! Your words are very touching. I will consider the idea to do a solo hangout. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiration with me.
Sorry but my previous reply came out weird! Hope you can read it 🙂
Great article. Thank you! I turn to sugar for comfort and today I’m really struggling. I am sleep deprived and as a mom and wife there is no such thing as a day off for me, and sugar seems like a great solution for some energy. Advice?
What kind of macro ratio do you want to follow – high or low fat? What kind of “sugar” are you having a struggle with?
I try to adhere to high fat diet but still afraid that too much will put on weight. I’d rather have an extra egg with my breakfast instead of an avacado. I do enjoy butter and oils though. I love chocolate! So when I’m exhausted or stressed (terrible 2 toddler, demanding job, and marriage stress), I just want to go to the cupcake place and numb out.
There is an irony with eating sweet sugar confections, for some reason we think of them as a reward but they do not nourish our body, soul, or mind. Nurture and nourish yourself, find foods that fuel you, manage your circadian rhythm and get enough sleep. Find ways to reward, treat, and care for yourself that don’t revolve around food intake. Keep your eye on the price and follow your goals! You can still enjoy chocolate, make the switch to 100% dark cacao. Perhaps try making your own chocolate bar by melting cacao down, mix with butter or coconut oil, salt, cinnamon or cayenne for flavor. There are always solutions, just keep taking steps forward 🙂
Great article! Changing the physical follows a change of mind and spirit, we must acknowledge today to improve tomorrow