6 Daily Movement Strategies for Busy People

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We all know that daily movement is a necessity for a healthy lifestyle, but what exactly does that entail? How much physical activity should you do daily? More importantly, how can you fit it in when you’re so busy?

A woman in athletic wear lies on her back and lifts a baby in her arms and legs while performing an exercise on a yoga mat.

Most days, I’m so busy with work that I don’t have enough time to exercise, and I know a lot of you can relate to that. With such a jam-packed schedule juggling work, kids and the household, I often have to make a conscious effort to move around more and get my heart rate pumping.

Over time, I found some awesome strategies to increase my daily movement and make it fit my schedule instead of the other way around. So, if you’re in the same boat, here are some of the best ways to increase your physical activity.

How Much Physical Activity Do You Need?

A busy lifestyle can leave little to no time for exercise. However, exercise doesn’t necessarily mean a full-blown workout or a trip to the gym.

Increasing your physical activity in other ways can be enough to reap the benefits of traditional exercise, including physical wellness and natural stress relief. But first, how much physical activity do you need?

According to the World Health Organization, adults 18 to 64 years old should get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity every week. This includes walking, swimming, jogging, dancing, cycling, cleaning or anything else that gets your heart beating faster. 

A woman in athletic wear smiles while holding a young girl with pigtails on her shoulders.

Best Daily Movement Strategies for A Busy Lifestyle

As someone who’s almost always occupied by something, whether it be work or parenting duties, I have to actually make time for exercise. However, dedicating an hour or two to the gym or doing a home workout isn’t always feasible for everyone. The solution? Find activities that fit seamlessly into your schedule.

“I find adding daily activities to my routine helps so much! I try to walk whenever possible, like during the school run or when I head out to the grocery store for one or two things. Conveniently, my kid’s school is right next to a gym, so I’ve signed up, and now I hit a group exercise class most mornings after drop-off. Plus, when I’m working from home, I use a standing desk paired with a Gymba balance board to stay active. The trick is to weave in activities that fit seamlessly into your day and don’t feel like an extra chore.” 

— Bethany Galloway, Make Healthy Recipes 

So, what else can you do to incorporate physical activity into your routine? Here are a few ideas.

Make Chores More Intense

Sounds a bit extreme, but hear me out. Chores are already tiring and can easily count as a workout. However, why not raise your heart rate a little better? 

For example, you can do lunges while cleaning your driveway, perform full squats while moving laundry from the washer to the dryer or maybe do push-ups on the counter while washing the dishes. You’ll probably look a little silly, but every bit of exercise will help.

Some chores are full workouts in and of themselves. For example, mopping and vacuuming the whole house can count as cardio. Reorganizing the garage can be a full-body workout, especially if you’re lifting heavy stuff. Even scrubbing a bunch of stainless steel pans can be part of your arm workout for the day.

I personally find a lot of value in doing tasks the hard way sometimes. For instance, you can rake leaves instead of using a leaf blower or wash dishes by hand instead of putting them in the dishwasher.

Try Micro Workouts

Don’t have time for a one-hour workout? Try micro workouts instead. Stretch at your desk, do push-ups in between meetings or get some lunges in while waiting for your shower to heat up. All these can be done in less than five minutes, and they can help relieve stiffness and strengthen your muscles.

I also recommend making your workspace more conducive to movement, especially if you spend most of your workday sitting. Consider replacing your chair with an exercise ball for a few hours or adding a walking pad under your standing desk. 

A person wearing a light purple shirt, dark pants, and black heels, is walking up a concrete staircase with metal railings.

Consider an Active Commute

If your job is a walkable distance away, try leaving earlier and walking the whole way. An alternative is to walk a portion of the distance and jump on a bus or train the rest of the way.

Bicycling is another great option. If you live in a bike-friendly area, consider making biking your primary mode of transport to and from work. Not only will you get a good amount of aerobic activity, but you’ll also strengthen your leg muscles and get the benefits of being out in the sunshine.

If you don’t have any choice but to drive to and from work, another good tip is to park further away so you get in more steps. Every little bit helps!

Exercise While Entertaining Yourself

Even busy people have time to lounge around and indulge in entertainment, albeit that time is often limited. Why not hit two birds with one stone and exercise while you watch TV, browse the internet or talk on the phone?

For example, you could try rebounding or jumping rope while watching Netflix. If you have a standing desk, you can put a walking pad under there and get your steps in while scrolling on social media. You can also simply walk around the block while listening to a podcast or Facetiming with a friend.

Active hobbies are also great options. If you like dancing, make it part of your daily routine. Photography and gardening are also awesome ways to be out and about.

Lift More Heavy Stuff

Remember the old adage ‘if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it’? Well, that cannot be truer for muscle and strength, especially as we age. You don’t have to always lift weights to maintain your muscle mass and tone, but making deliberate choices throughout your daily life can help keep your functional strength.

For instance, you can challenge yourself and take as many grocery bags into the house in one go. Maybe you can lift heavier loads of laundry up the stairs. If you want to be more intentional, you can use your own body weight and do resistance training with resistance bands or simple exercises like push-ups and planking.

Two people walking side-by-side each holding a leash.

Sneak in Extra Steps

Walking is an underrated yet extremely effective form of exercise. It’s low-intensity, easy to do anywhere and can be a huge help in maintaining physical and mental health.

Incorporating walks into your daily routine is a great place to start. However, you can also add more steps by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away from the store, walking your dog more, going through all the aisles at the grocery store and so on.

“My best advice for getting in daily movement: get a dog. It’s easy to ignore my own desires to move more, but very difficult to ignore a loving ball of fluff that wants nothing more than to be taken on a walk. I get in an average of two miles per day with my dogs, and we all benefit from it.”

— Renee N Gardner, Renee Nicole’s Kitchen

A walking pad is also an incredible investment. It’s smaller and cheaper than a treadmill, which means it won’t take up much space or eat up a lot of your budget. However, it will provide an easy way to get your daily steps in if you don’t have time to go outside or want to walk while doing something else, like working or watching TV.

Start Making Mornings More Active

When you wake up, do you immediately get up? Or do you spend a few minutes checking your phone? If it’s the latter, why not get your body moving first thing in the morning?

Maybe do a 10-minute stretch to unlock your muscles while listening to a relaxing playlist. Perhaps pace around the house while enjoying low-caffeine coffee for a gentler start to your day. If you’re feeling up to a more vigorous morning, do a 30-minute jog or follow a YouTube workout.

Play with Your Pets

If you have a dog, spending a few minutes playing with them can help burn up extra calories for the day. You probably already do this on the regular, but if not, consider making it a daily habit. However, try to do more than just play fetch. Play tug-and-war with a rope or hide-and-seek in the house.

Even cats can be great mini-workout partners. Don’t just sit while dangling a cat wand around; try standing up and moving around the room. If you have a more active cat, you can even try having them chase you around.

Being More Active Isn’t as Hard as You Think

An active lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean working out every single day. For busy people, it could mean walking to work instead of driving, vacuuming the entire house or exercising at our desks. Whatever route you take, being intentional about your health is all you need. 

Every little bit of change towards a healthy lifestyle counts. If you want to learn more about intentional and actionable strategies you can use today, check out the rest of Primal Edge Health today!

Portions of this article originally appeared on Food Drink Life.

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