Ancestral Supplements Review

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Today I have the opportunity to share a review of Ancestral Supplements’ line of grass-fed beef organ capsules. This review is written honestly and based purely on my own experience and opinion.

2022 UPDATE: There are suspected changes to the formulas and/or sourcing since this review was originally published, and we no longer support this company.

We continue to promote organ meats but NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS BRAND.

As an alternative, I can suggest Grassland Nutrition.

In addition to many AS customers writing to us about adverse reactions after taking these products, we have fallen away from company leadership.

We don’t align with current 2022 branding decisions or the “Liver King” personality. For specific examples, please see The Liver King Lie.

What are ‘Ancestral Supplements’?

Ancestral Supplements is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to “putting back in, what the modern world has left out as a means “to return people back to strength, health, and happiness.” They specialize in grass-fed beef organ supplements, freeze-dried and encapsulated in an easy to use pill form.

Weston A. Price, a dentist of the early 1900s, studied dietary habits of traditional peoples around the world and noted that all groups consider animal-based foods as nutritional staples and sacred fertility foods. Organs, in particular, were commonplace. With so many nutritional benefits of organ meats, they were often prized as some of the choice parts.

When I first came across Ancestral Supplements, I thought “Finally! Someone else who is as passionate about spreading the word about organ meats and nose-to-tail eating as I am!”

Even so, after working in the organic, raw vegan import/export industry of Peruvian “superfoods”, I remain skeptical of “too good to be true” vitamin claims. It was important to me to verify that the products were really as good as they sounded.

It’s no secret that the modern world is at odds with our health. Stress, artificial light exposure, and cheaply made, low-quality foods deliver too many of us to early graves. Organ meat has been part of my family’s diet for almost a decade and I know first hand the nutritional power they have. These foods have the potential to be potent remedies.

A child holding a white bottle.

Why would you be interested in something like this?

Awareness of nose-to-tail eating has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years but only a small percentage of people partake in the delicious, affordable, and above all, nutritious “odd bits” of an animal.

If you are interested in the benefits but haven’t learned how to cook organ meat recipes or can’t quite wrap your head around making your own Beef Heart Meatballs, Liver Pate, or even Beef Bone Broth, supplementing with targeted organs may help.

If you’re on board with organ meats and fluent in the preparation of common choices like liver, heart, and marrow but find other parts like the pancreas, thyroid, and spleen out of your comfort zone or just too unknown to prepare, Ancestral Supplements may appeal to you as well.

These supplements are easy to add into a daily routine (literally just take a dose in the morning) and ideal if you

  • Can’t bring yourself to cook organ meats in your kitchen (yet)
  • Travel often and want to stay on top of nutrient intake
  • Are pre-conception, pregnant, or breastfeeding
  • Have children
  • Are recovering from vegan and vegetarian nutrient deficiencies
  • Don’t eat nutrient-dense animal products regularly and want to fill in any nutritional deficiencies you may have
Two cows in an open field.

Ancestral Supplements Review

2022 UPDATE: There are suspected changes to the formulas and/or sourcing since this review was originally published, and we no longer support this company.

We continue to promote organ meats but NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS BRAND.

As an alternative, I suggest Grassland Nutrition, but they only offer a single liver supplement.

Quality of ingredients

All ingredients are organic, whole foods-based, and nutrient-dense. Meat is selected from New-Zealand grass-fed, grass-finished, pasture-raised cattle. The beef is hormone, pesticide, and GMO-free.

A variety of supplement choices are offered. Following the “like cures like” philosophy, Ancestral Supplements allows you to select a targeted nutritional profile to best suit your needs.

Just about every part you can think of is available:

  • Grass-fed Beed Organs
  • Grass-fed Beef Liver
  • Grass-fed Beef Heart
  • Grass-fed Beef Thyroid
  • Grass-fed Beef Pancreas
  • Grass-fed Beef Spleen
  • Grass-fed Beef Bone Marrow
  • Grass-fed Beef Thymus

Since Ancestral Supplements is an American company, I would like to see them sourcing from US-based beef producers and supporting more local stock. Unfortunately, this is a bigger issue within the US cattle industry.

In a podcast, we did with Judith McGeary of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA), I learned that USA legal parameters and current tax structure favor imported meat and skew the system to make foreign production more economically viable. Independent American family ranchers have to work twice as hard to get their products to market.

A smiling boy holding a black and white supplement bottle.


It’s impossible to guarantee fast-acting, noticeable results for everyone. There isn’t a single “magic pill” in the world that can do that. However, the power of organ meats should not be underrated. People may feel direct results in energy, sleep, mood, and recovery after increasing the amount of nose-to-tail ingredients in their diet.

Because these supplements are essentially just food, they are easily digested and bioavailable. This means your body can readily identify the nutrients and knows how to handle them.

Some of our coaching clients comment on how quickly they feel a benefit after adding organs into their diet. Liver tends to be the quickest acting, which makes sense since, ounce for ounce, it is the most nutrient-dense food in the world!

Not everyone experiences noticeable changes right away. If you have been on a nutrient-deficient diet (like vegetarian, vegan, or in some cases SAD) for any period of time or are pregnant, you may react more overtly to an increase of nutrients than someone who has been eating paleo or keto since your needs are higher.

Quality of manufacturing

Looking at the way Ancestral Supplements carefully sources their materials, promotes grass-fed, grass-finished animals, and freeze-dries ingredients in small batches to intentionally preserve their nutritional quality, there is no question they care about what they are bringing to the market and attending to every detail.

All formulas available from Ancestral Supplements are contained in pure gelatin capsules and contain ZERO fillers, stabilizers, and flow agents.

My one critique here is that there is nothing specifically ‘eco’ about the packaging or company mission. I’ve seen some genius packaging with PermaEarth handmade soaps and body care. Mountain Rose Herbs goes above and beyond in their commitment to minimizing waste and promoting environmental stewardship within their business practices.

I think that as Ancestral Supplements grow and are able to invest in alternatives they would be all ears to the options.

2022 UPDATE: We’ve watched them grow. Instead of continuing to improve their product, their actions have gone in the opposite direction. Marketing is based on lies, retail prices increase while quality may have decreased, and too many customers write to us about adverse reactions.

To be fair, I’m not sure what options are available for food grade storage of vitamins. A critique of the supplement industry as a whole is that it seems across the board, products are delivered in one-use plastic bottles, bags, and the like.

Once open, the actual product is loaded with value. It’s just the pesky packaging…


The presentation of concentrated nutrients in an easy to use, odorless, tasteless pill is super convenient. Increasing daily nutrient intake is as easy as popping a pill.

Like all supplements, the organ casuals are portable and easy to administer, making them ideal for travel and giving to children.

Our two children look forward to getting their daily Beef Organ Blend. They chew them up and like playing with the gelatin capsule in their mouths.


The price per bottle runs $36 – $58 with is on the higher end for a vitamin. When you look at the price for the first time, it’s not an easy $6.99 decision. It takes a commitment to buy. You have to be willing to try something new (eating beef organs) and invest in your health.

Each bottle contains 180 capsules. A dose is between 1-6 pills, so one bottle can last between 1 and 3 months, depending on use.

Once quality, clean manufacturing process, and convenience are considered, the price becomes more reasonable. Add in the additional discount and the price is not so bad.

When comparing the purchase of a $40 bottle of beef liver capsules and spending the same amount on the actual liver, it is always better to buy the source ingredient. If you have access to beef liver, marrow bones, beef heart, etc, food should always be prioritized over pills. Read my Buyer’s Guide to Liver for more.

How many of us can easily get these lesser-known parts? And if we can, how many of us eat a robust nose-to-tail diet all year round?

In some cases, supplementation may prove beneficial.

A black and white supplement bottle on a wooden surface.

Take Away Points and Category Ratings

2022 UPDATE: There are suspected changes to the formulas and/or sourcing since this review was originally published, and we no longer support this company.

We continue to promote organ meats but NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS BRAND.

As an alternative, I suggest Grassland Nutrition.

Quality of ingredients 4.5/5

  • Organic, whole foods-based, and nutrient-dense
  • Hormone, pesticide, and GMO-free
  • Grass-fed and grass-finished
  • New Zealand sourced, not USA

Effectiveness 5/5

  • Easily digested and bioavailable nutrition
  • 3rd party testing all products to ensure purity and product specification

Quality of manufacturing 4.5/5

  • Ingredients are freeze-dried to preserve nutritional quality
  • Made in small batches
  • ZERO fillers, stabilizers, and flow agents
  • Can’t avoid another plastic bottle

Convenience 5/5

  • Easy to use, odorless, tasteless capsule form
  • Great for travel and children

Price 4/5

  • The price per bottle runs $36 – $56 for 180 capsules
  • Paying for quality and convenience
3 cows in an open field.

Boost Daily Nutrient Intake

2022 UPDATE: There are suspected changes to the formulas and/or sourcing since this review was originally published, and we no longer support this company.

We continue to promote organ meats but NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS BRAND.

Those who are interested in top-quality nutrition should consider eating organ meats. However, it’s best to consume them in their natural, whole, and unprocessed FOOD form over supplements.

If you think you can benefit from Ancestral Supplements, order here.

I recommend beginning with the Beef Organs blend. The beef liver pills would be my second choice for new users who don’t already eat liver in their diet.

Learn how to cook organ meats (and not hate them!)

The A-Z Guide on Liver Pate for Keto & Carnivore Diets is sure to be helpful as you go down this path. Take notes!

Try some of these easy recipes for organ meat beginners.

More Honest Reviews

[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”zcbfvbzucqlugh9e7vio” sticky=”false” thumbnail=”” title=”Classic Liver Pate Recipe” volume=”70″]

33 thoughts on “Ancestral Supplements Review”

    • Hi Daniel, Changes are only suspect as I say above. There was a period of time in early 2022 when many customers were writing to us about their adverse reactions to these supplements, which led me to think there have been some non-transparent changes in the sourcing or packaging or something. This was at the same time as the “Liver King” personality was growing with a branding and marketing style that we don’t support. Unfortunately, it’s been exposed as lies.

      I recommend Grassland Nutrition but they only offer one liver supplement. The best option is learning to cook fresh organ meats. Fortunately, it’s not hard, and I have lots of recipes on the blog that will teach you how.

  1. I am curious about you comments on the sourcing changes and why you no longer support the brand. I ordered both Ancestral Supplements and Heart and Soil to compare. Any insight you can offer? My gut says Heart And Soil but where Brian is part of Heart And Soil I don’t know that there is a real difference?

    • Hi Zach, I tend to think those two companies are essentially the same. We started falling away from AS as the “Liver King” personality grew, it’s not a type of marketing that we align with. Then, there was a period when many customers were writing to us about their adverse reactions to these supplements, which led me to think there have been some non-transparent changes in the sourcing or packaging or something. Only suspect, as I stated. I recommend Grassland Nutrition but they only offer one liver supplement. The best option is learning to cook fresh organ meats. Fortunately, it’s not hard, and I have lots of recipes on the blog that will teach you how.

  2. I’ve purchased from Ancestral in the past and was thinking about getting more as part of my food storage plan. Since you are no longer supporting them, do you have other companies you feel good about that might be as good as they used to be?

  3. I love these supplements. Unfortunately, they are really expensive for my budget. I am doing what I can but not sure if i will always be able to afford these.

    • I agree, they are expensive when compared to fresh (or frozen) organ meats. I always encourage people to eat the real thing! Supplements can be helpful when traveling or for beginners who are still getting used to the idea of nose-to-tail eating. Check out the blog here for delicious organ meat recipes actually worth eating, I have many!

  4. What was your protocol for starting your kids on these vitamins and how many of one type do they take a day? As in, do they just always take one a day, did you start with half a pill, did you ramp them up to taking more than one a day, etc..

    • They have both grown up on eating organ meats so I never felt a protocol was necessary. They take 1-3 pills at a time and chew them like candy. We don’t do it every day but do keep the bottles on the shelf where they can see and whenever they ask, I let them have some 1x a day max.

  5. Please tell me more about your children chewing up the capsules and the taste of same. I cannot swallow pills and must always buy chewables, gummies, or powders.

    • Hahaha, aren’t they silly? It’s true, they both get a kick out of the sensory experience. They remind me to be more open to just experiencing things and not get tripped up by what I would ordinarily identify as weird or uncomfortable. Just because something is unusual, doesn’t necessarily mean it is undesirable.

  6. Mom tried getting me to eat beef liver. One of my earliest memories was urping it up. Sixty years ago. Homey won’t eat organs(except poultry skin…fried). Veered into this by accident. Spent quite a while reading and pointing and clicking and reading…on and on. Ordered 2 bottles off Amazon Prime. A $76 experiment, since not much else is working to help me drop 50 pounds. Will let ya’ll know.

  7. Grass Fed Beef Liver is good but Organic and Grass Fed Beef Liver from Australia is even better.

    Organic certified ingredients means third party auditing and more testing and QA records are required to make sure all inputs and outputs are organic.

    The certification cost more and is treated very seriously to ensure the products have not been substituted for farm factory feedlot meat and hasn’t any glyphosate and other chemicals used in the manufacture. Nor any antibiotics or hormones.

    Australia has also never had an outbreak of mad cow disease and carries out strict monitoring.

  8. I have been so lax in taking any supplements while following the keto diet and I know I really should. Thanks for such an honest review Jessica. I will check out Ancestral and give them a try.

  9. We do cook and eat beef organs at home, but this is the first time I’ve heard of supplements such as these. Super excited to find out more. 🙂

  10. This is a very interesting review of ancestral supplements… written & researched. It is noteworthy that most people buy wholesale priced supplements that simply don’t have any nutritional value. These very inexpensive price point supplements are made with inferior products and “pixie-dust”… a very small sample of the ingredient. You do get exactly what you pay for… especially when it is very inexpensive.
    Noteworthy that in the mix of Ancestral Supplements on the website it has many different type of Beef Organ supplements… like Prostate, kidney etc. Ancestral people would eat the specific organ like “prostate” if a man had a prostate issue. I’ll be buying some of these products next month.

    • I couldn’t agree more about your “pixie dust” remark. It’s really shocking how much money and resources are wasted with poor quality supplements. I’m glad this post could be informative for you. Thanks for stopping by to read the review, Tom.


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