5 Ways to Eat Beef Liver on a Carnivore Diet
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Get inspired to cook beef liver on a carnivore diet with these 5 ways to eat liver without fiber. Organ meat recipes are surprisingly easy once you get the hang of them and really worth preparing!
At first glance, it might look like a carnivore diet is boring, but I’m here to tell you that just isn’t so! Even without organ meats, there are many delicious carnivore diet recipes made from animal protein and fats that will fuel and satiate you.

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Why Eating Liver is Good For You
There is an uprising of organ meat eaters all over the world.
The Paleo diet brought attention in nose to tail eating, keto continued to open people’s eyes to the health benefits of liver, and now carnivore converts more than I’ve ever seen before.
I have the pleasure of meeting a lot of organ meat connoisseurs in the Keto Carnivore Diet Recipes Facebook group which you should join if you are not already a member!
It is so exciting to see people ready to embrace culturally important foods and traditional wisdom by eating liver, heart, kidney, and other organ meats.
Carnivore Friendly Beef Liver Recipes
Cooking liver on a carnivore diet is easy and enjoyable. Carnivore meal prep can be bare-bones practical and still have a little flair.
It’s usually an eye-opening experience to realize that the benefits of organ meats extend to more than just health.
Making carnivore approved recipes takes a little creativity and ingenuity. I know that first hand after writing The Carnivore Cookbook: Zero Carb Recipes for People who Really Love Animals!
Who knew I could publish 100+ recipes made exclusively from animal protein and fats and then still have more to share here on the blog!
Are you craving easy and delicious carnivore recipes? Check out my Carnivore Cookbook for simple and straightforward recipes you’ll love!
Unlock the power of nutrient-dense, fiber-free nutrition with The Carnivore Cookbook, available in both digital and print formats. Say goodbye to the struggle of finding strict carnivore recipes—this collection is your ultimate solution.
What to try chicken liver instead? Get started with this Keto Chicken Liver Pate recipe. There’s a carnivore diet option included for you! I suggest taking a deeper dive into beef liver vs. chicken liver and give each a taste test to find your favorite.
There are many foods available to us on a zero-carb diet. Read exactly what to eat on a carnivore diet so you can be confident in your dietary choices.
If you need help with your plan, use my carnivore diet meal plan to get started.
How to Cook Beef Liver on a Carnivore Diet
There are 5 ways to prepare beef liver on a carnivore diet. It can be hard to add in a new food, especially one as foreign as liver may be.
With practice and confidence, you will soon be comfortable with this nutrient-dense organ meat.
Learning how to cook beef liver on a carnivore diet is easy and enjoyable. Not everyone has to eat beef liver to be healthy. But if you are interested, give it a try!
Before shopping, read my guide on How to Buy Liver with butchering tips plus resources for buying in person and online.
Take a look How to Cook Meat on a Carnivore Diet and improve your skills with other cuts and techniques too!
Pop it back: Desiccated Liver Pills
The first and easiest way for a beginner to add liver to their diet is with high-quality dried liver supplements. We not technically cooking anything here but it’s a step in the right direction.
Ancestral Supplements offers a variety of grass fed beef organ meat supplement blends. There is a pure liver formula and other options with the liver mixed in.
There isn’t much prep work with these. Using desiccated liver pills in your diet is as easy and convenient as taking a pill.
You can also pack a bottle in your travel bag and get great nutrition on the go.
Make it smooth and creamy: Keto Carnivore Liver Pate
Beef liver pate is the first way to cook liver on a carnivore diet that begins with the actual liver.
This is an excellent approach for organ meat beginners and experts. The creamy, flavorful pate goes down easy any way you make it.
Read All You Need To Know About Liver Pate For Keto and Carnivore Diets to pick the recipe that is right for you!
I recommend starting with
Disguise it: Ground Liver (Hidden Liver)
When you but liver by the pound it comes in one large slab. Depending on which section of the liver it is from and how your butcher cuts it, there may be arteries or large veins that need to be trimmed off. Sometimes there are folds in the liver that make it hard to cut uniform pieces.
Nothing is easier to work with than ground liver. Even if you are already a liver lover, I recommend ground liver.
Mix 75% ground beef with 25% ground liver and you can use this meat in any ground beef recipe.
Cooking hidden liver recipes is a great strategy particularly if you cook for others and want to get the whole family on board with more organ meats.
Add the mix of ground meat into a family favorite meal and no one will tell the difference!
Gound liver bakes well into meat pies:
It also blends well into homemade pemmican with organ meats. Take this carnivore protein bar on your next hike or camping trip.
Ground liver is also good grilled in burgers, pan-fried into a patty, or dehydrated into liver crisps!
Sauteed, Seared, or Pan-Fried Liver
Cooking liver on the stovetop is a classic approach and likely, the most well known. Sear or pan fry in lots of butter or lard.
Wait until the pan is very hot before adding the fat and then liver.
Add cooked and chopped bacon at the end if you like the crunch.
Butter Bathed Liver from The Carnivore Cookbook is my personal favorite recipe! Leftovers are used on Liver Topped Burgers. YUM!
This is a basic cooking method for liver and can be adapted for lamb, bison, and pork liver.
Small livers from chicken, duck, goose, and rabbit take well to sauteing.
Raw Liver
Did you think I would go here?
Raw liver has a delicately sweet flavor and soft succulent texture. Once cooked it firms up significantly and much of the nuance of flavor is lost.
If the liver is fresh, run a knife through it to thinly slice or dice before eating raw. It can be served as is like carpaccio or topped on a burger or sunny side up eggs.
If the liver is frozen, defrost it slightly until you can cut it through and then process it from there. Semi-frozen meat is preferred if you want very thin, even slices.
To help acclimate yourself to eating raw, pop a few small pieces in your mouth and swallow them whole while still frozen. There’s no taste or texture (other than being cold) to speak of.
When eating liver raw, I can pick up on the unique flavor of each animal more than I can when it is cooked.
Age has a big role in the difference in flavor. Veal liver is more subtle and even bland which may make it better for a beginner. Mature animals have a more earthy and iron-rich flavored organ.
Hi – Re the worms in liver comment. I think that may be more of a possibility if you are lucky enough to have access to liver from wild ruminants (moose, deer and so on). It is unlikely that domestic farm raised stock, such as beef, sheep, chicken, carry wormy parasites as it would be good animal husbandry practice for their health, to attempt to keep them parasite free. Just a thought – no stats or documentation to back up my comment. Betty
I suffer digestion issue when I try to eat it. I am going to try some way if it gonna helpful for me. Hope for best.
I hope you find a method that works for you. Hoping it goes well, Susan!
I have done the hidden method for beef liver, chicken liver, hearts and gizzards. GENIUS! I HATE the taste and texture of liver. So does my family. But I did this with hamburger patties and Stroganoff. NO ONE SUSPCECTED A THING! Fantastic way of getting organ meats into the diet instead of buying expensive supplements.
Glad to hear it’s been a way to get this nutritious element into your diet. Thanks, Francine.
So far, I cannot bring myself around to eating liver. Taking the liver pils and now liver powder. Not ideal but the best I can do for now.
I’ve come across suggestions that digestion and stuff like worms can be an issue eating raw liver is there any truth in this, You say nothing above about any such issues which makes me think not.
It’s never been an issue for me or, as far as I know, anyone in our audience. If you prefer to freeze the liver for 14 days before thawing and eating it raw, that is supposed to be enough time to kill any worms/parasites that may be here. Personally, my family eats it fresh and raw all the time and have not had any issues.