Low-Carb Tomato Olive Egg Muffins
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These Low-Carb Tomato Olive Egg muffins are a great way to use up odds and ends from your fridge. With a fun Italian flavor, they are just one of many keto breakfast recipes to add to your weekly meal prep.

Egg muffins are a quick and easy solution for mom’s and people on the go. They travel well and can easily be packed into a school or work lunch.
Whip these up in less than 10 minutes, place them in the oven to bake, and enjoy a healthy whole food egg muffin with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Once you have the basic technique down, the variations are literally endless. Choose from your favorite omelette flavors or favorite ingredients to add into a scramble. Use fresh or dried herbs, left over veggies, meat, fish, cheese… whatever you want!
I had the pleasure of guest posting this Tomato and Olive Egg Muffin recipe over at Powerful Mothering. Please share, pin, and enjoy this recipe!
>> Follow the link for the full recipe <<
We’ve been rolling out all kinds of different flavored egg muffins recently!
If you like the Tomato Olive Egg Muffins, be sure to try these other varieties as well:
Garlic and Zucchini Scrambled Egg Muffin
Keto Shakshuka recipe from Tasteaholics. It’s a saucy breakfast dish that would go great with any egg muffin.
Have more tomato and egg ingredients to use up? Try this