Making soap is a fun, creative and healthy way to do something nice for yourself (and others). A Cold Process Soap Recipe for Beginners is the perfect place to start and gain soap making confidence before diving into the next level!
Fill a 2-liter container with water (round up to 10.9 if needed). Place container in the sink.
10.88 ounces water
Measure lye into a glass container. Sprinkle ⅓ of the lye flakes or beads into the water jug that is sitting in your sink, stir it a few times and step back from the fumes.
4.87 ounces lye
Wait 20-30 seconds to make sure it is dissolved and add the next third of the mixture. Stir, wait, and step back. Continue until all the lye is incorporated into the water. The water will begin to heat up. Stir well, ensure no chunks form. Now set it and forget it. Leave the lye alone and walk away, knowing it’s safe in the sink and cannot tip over.
Melt palm oil in a glass container. Add olive oil and melted coconut oil to it.
Stir the lye water. Take the temperature with an infrared thermometer. You want the temperature of the oils to be within 10 °F of the temperature of the lye water, all while keeping everything under 130 °F (110-120 °F is optimal).
Slowly pour your lye water mixture into the oils.
Tap the stick blender on the bottom of the container to release any air bubbles. If not, there may be air bubbles throughout the soap and aesthetically, may be bothersome.
Blend the soap batter to “trace”. Do not over mix, blend until thickening begins. See article above for more.
Remove the blender, banging off excess batter and place in the sink to wash.
Pour the soap batter into the mold, placing the dirty bowl into the sink. Use a spatula to remove excess batter from the bowl and plop it into the mold.
Lightly lift up the soap mold and bang it gently on the counter to release any air bubbles.
Place your soap to the side to set for 48 hours.
If, after 48 hours, the soap is easily removed, it is ready to cut. Divide into 1-inch pieces or other of choice. Transfer the cut soap on a rack to cure for 4-6 weeks.
This recipe makes a soap with 7% superfat.Every time you take the stick blender out and then put it back in, tap the bottom of the container to release any air bubbles that may form.